Thursday, November 17, 2016

Weather Blog

Choose, Climate or Weather
__climate________ 1. Usually it is sunny in Florida.
__weather________ 2. This can change from day to day.
____climate______ 3. This can remain about the same over a number of years.
__weather________ 4. Conditions outside on a daily basis.
___climate_______ 5. The typical or usual conditions for an area.
_weather________ 6. Yesterday it was sunny but today we have storms.
__climate________ 7. Every year, we have mild winters and it rarely snows.
__climate________ 8. It is normal for New York to have a lot of snow each year.
__climate_______ 9. Florida is a popular vacation spot because of consistent sunny days and warm temperatures.
__weather________ 10. Our state is on tornado watch today.


The seasons cause the weather to change. Weather is a daily phenomenon
Clouds form because cold air doesn’t hold as much water as warm air.
When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.

Clouds are made of water vapor. Ice crystals
Clouds always predict rain. False. A day can just be cloudy with no rain.
Raindrops look like tear drops. Raindrops start of as spheres in the upper atmosphere
Rain falls when clouds become too heavy. Since warm air can hold more water than cool air, when the warmer air is cooled the moisture condenses to liquid - and it rains
Rain falls because we need it. Rain falls to clemently factors has nothing to do with human desire or need. 
Lightning never strikes the same place twice. Lightening is a random event, the odds are low but not impossible.
Thunder occurs when two clouds collide. thunder is caused my lightening.
Air and oxygen are the same things. The air we breathe is a mixture that contains primarily oxygen and nitrogen. Oxygen is an element
Humidity is moisture in the air. quantity representing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere or a gas.
Humid air is heavy or denser than dry air. it's water vapor that makes air humid, not actual drops of water.
Hot air weighs less than cold air. Opposite, heat rises.
The atmosphere is made up solely of air.Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements. Our atmosphere also contains water vapor. In addition, Earth's atmosphere contains traces of dust particles, pollen, plant grains and other solid particles.
Clouds block the wind and slow it down. clouds are not solid objects.
Cold temperatures produce fast winds.Strong winds are due to a strong pressure gradient force.
Snow and ice make it cold. it being cold results in snow and ice
Cold days are caused by the clouds covering the sun.depends on the angle of the sun to the Earth

Global Climate Change and the greenhouse effect are the same thing.
Global warming refers to a change in the Earth's climate that is causing it to heat up. The greenhouse effect, on the other hand, is a natural process that happens constantly, due to sunlight and the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is bad and will eventually cause all living things to die. the greenhouse effect is naturally occurring, it is human interference that will cause everything to die.
Ozone is bad (or that it is good).a layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 6.2 miles (10 km) containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun.
The ozone hole is a hole in the sky. a region of marked thinning of the ozone layer in high latitudes, chiefly in winter, attributed to the chemical action of chlorofluorcarbons and other atmospheric pollutants. The resulting increase in ultraviolet light at ground level gives rise to an increased risk of skin cancer.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Earth's Pizza Crust

Cheese is the oceanic crust 
sauce is the asthenosphere 
Meat- lithosphere 
crust - the Earth 
mushrooms = continents

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Plate Tectonics

Transform fault - plates slide past one another with no creation or destruction of lithosphere.

Divergent boundary - two plates diverge, or move apart and new crust or lithosphere is formed. 

Convergent boundary  - plates converge, or come together. If a plate of oceanic lithosphere collides with thicker and less dense continental lithosphere, the denser oceanic plate will dive beneath the continent in a subduction zon. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Project Wet and $100

The Project Wet Foundation envisions a world in which action-oriented education enables every child to understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future. The mission is to reach children, parents, teachers and community members of the world with water education that promotes awareness of water and empowers community action to solve complex water issues. We achieve our mission. WET provides educational resources, training workshops, and events for educators.

If water was worth 100 dollars:
Oceans - $96.50    had $96
Glaciers/ Ice caps- $1.74  has $2
ground water- $1.69    had $1.60
permafrost - $0.022
fresh water lakes - $0.007
salt water lakes ans seas - $0.006
soil mister $0.001
Atmosphere - $0.001    had $0.40

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

More Rocks!

Igneous Rock -
color is speckled, green, white, pink,
Dull, Earthy  

Sedimentary rock -
Color is yellow, white, gray, black
shiny, some glassy spots

Metamorphic rock
color - green, brownish red, transparent 

Rocks Rock!

We are using three different types of candy: Cocoa Krispies, a Butterfinger, and a piece of Peanut Brittle.

Cocoa Krispies -  is an example of an igneous rock

Butterfinger - is an example of metamorphic rock.

Peanut Brittle - is an example of a sedimentary rock.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Salt Crystal Garden

Today in MSED we started the process of making a crystal garden. The supplies we needed were: a plate, 3 sponges, a piece of charcoal, 2 pipe cleaners, 2 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 2 tablespoons of Mrs. Stewart's Bluing solution. 

After you need to smash the charcoal into small pieces. Arrange the sponges and charcoal on the plate. Next you need to intertwine the pipe cleaners into the pile.

Next mix the 2 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 2 tablespoons of Mrs. Stewart's Bluing solution in a beaker. After the solution is properly mixed, pour it onto the pile (of sponges, charcoal, and pipe cleaners). Lastly, place the plate in the window and let settle.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Marquette Field Trip

Today, MSED 252 took a flied trip around Marquette. Our last spot was at Black Rocks. Black Rocks' are about 3 billion years old. Making it the oldest rock formation in the area. The picture to the left was taken at Black Rocks, on a personal trip. While at Presque Isle, where we saw Jacobsville Sandstone. It is a peridotite composed of serpentine. It has the mottled brown iron characteristic and was deposited in an arid climate.

 The first stop we made on the trip, was to the rock cliffs right across from the Welcome Center. The rocks here were part of the Chocolay  group, ehich is the lowest of the three groups in the Paleoproterozoic-aged Marquette Range Supergroup. Isotopic dating puts these rocks between 2.2 and 3 billion years old. These rocks have characteristics that indicate that they were once part of the ocean. Other features visible are dessication structures, ripple marks, and rip-up beds probably produced by tidal waves.
The middle two pictures are of this rock formation. The third picture was taken in the middle of the hike up the rock.

 The middle stop of the trip was at Tourist Park. The rocks at Tourist Park were interesting because you were able to see where glaciers had cut into the rock. There were also two types of rock present and we were able to determine the lighter rock was around before the darker rock. That is because the lighter rock kept poking through the dark rock.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is a fossil?

A fossil is the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.

Groups recipe:

There was a cup made of 50% (75 ml) sand and 50% plaster (75 ml).
There was a cup made of 30% sand and 70% plaster.
There was a cup made of 60% sand (45 ml) and 40% plaster (30 ml).
There was a cup made of 40% sand (30 ml) and 60% plaster (45 ml). 

The mixture that worked the best was 60% sand and 40% plaster. It has the best imprint. The 50% plaster and the 50% sand  was hardest to break apart.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

If I had a 100 Dollars

Image result for solar system pictures

The Sun would be worth: $99.85
Jupiter = 7 cents
Saturn = 3 cents
Neptune = 2 cents
Uranus = 2 cents
Earth, Venus, Mars,Mercury, Asteroids, meters, comets, etc. = the rest of the 1 cent would be split among the listed above. Earth getting the most of the dollar, comets receiving the least amount of the dollar. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

William Herschel

William Herschel 
1738 - 1822
Image result 

Sir William Herschel became interested in astronomy at the age of thirty-five. Through early readings of Ferguson and Smith, Herschel became a skilled telescope maker. In the year 1774, Herschel made specula mirrors superior to any other mirrors of the time. With the specula mirrors, Herschel started to "observe the heavens". William's first observation was of Orion Nebula, which he had read about in Smith's works. 

On March 13, 1781, Herschel discovered the planet Uranus. Upon first observation, Herschel believed the planet was a comet. As a result of his discovery, Herschel was elected to the Royal Society in December of 1781. It was there that he was awarded an annual grant from King Gorge III of England to become the Court Astronomer of the King. 

In 1783, Herschel’s observations lead to the discovery of the Solar Motion. He determined that our solar system was moving between the neighboring stars in the direction of the star Lambda Herculis. In 1787, Herschel discovered two moons of Uranus: Titania and Oberon. In 1789, he discovered Saturn’s sixth and seventh moon, Enceladus and Mimas. 

Before 1781, Herschel had only observed four nebulae: The Orion Nebula, M43, globular cluster M5, and Andromeda “Nebula” M31. After that he spent years systematically studying the sky. After a year and a half (1786), he cataloged 1,000 new objects; three years (1789), after that he cataloged 1,000 more objects. Herschel’s final addition to the catalog was in 1802, in which he added 500 more objects. By the end of his career, William Herschel discovered about 2,500 new nebulae and star cluster in 20 years. 

After Herschel passed away, the astronomical community honored him by naming Moon crater Herschel. Herschel was the most celebrated astronomer of his time. He contributed to most of the branches of astronomy. He investigated the proper motion of the stars, derived the peculiar motion of the solar system, modeled the Milky Way galaxy from stellar statics, and speculated about the nature of the nebulae.

Written by: Rachael Del Boccio  

In Class 9/6/16

Earth to Moon Model

My Earth to moon model was not to scale. My Earth was substantially larger then the moon, which according to the in class discussion is incorrect. I also drew the moon to close to the Earth to have a proper model of the true distance between the Earth and the moon.

Reasons for the Seasons

The reason for the seasons is the Earths tilt on the axis.  The seasons change depending on how much sun light is hitting the Earth as it travels around the sun. 

After watching the video the concept of direct and indirect light became clear. When I stated the Earth was tilted on its axis effected the seasons, that depends on how the sun rays are hitting the Earth. 

The Phases of the Moons

There are different phases of the moon because the distance between the moon and the sun. The different angles in which the sunlight hits the moon effects the amount of the moon (phase) we can see.

I was correct. 

Written By: Rachael Del Boccio

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What Do You Know Corrections.

  1. We see because light brightens things.
    1.  Incorrect. We see because of light reflecting of of objects that enter the retina. 
  2. The Moon goes around the earth in a single day. 
    1. False. It takes more then a month for the moon to travel around the Earth.
  3. The amount of daylight increases each day of summer.
    1. True 
  4. People cannot see planets with the naked eye. 
    1. False. You can see Mercury once in a while. Do not view with telescope because of proximity to the sun, can cause eye damage.
  5. People can see the Great Wall of China with the naked eye from space.
    1. True
  6. Astrology (the position of the planets and constellations) gives us insight to people mannerisms.
    1.  False. Astrology can be used to predict natural occurrences. I believe that mannerisms is based on behaviors.  
  7. The Sun will never burn out.
    1. False. It will take billions of years, if not more, to burn out. It will not occur within our life time. 
  8. The Universe is a static. 
    1. True
  9. If a crystal can scratch glass it is a definitely a diamond.
    1. False. Quartz can also scratch glass. 
  10. Diamonds are expensive because the extreme rarity of them.
    1. False. Diamonds are expensive because they are flashy and durable.  
  11. Soil must have always been in its present form.
    1. False. As things break down and erode they become part of the soil. 
  12. Earth’s gravitational attraction is drastically reduced on mountain tops.
    1. True because you are farther from the center of the earth. 
  13. Continents are constant and do not move.
    1. False, tectonic plates are always shifting.  
  14. The Earth is between 6-20 thousand years old.
    1. False, it is billions of years old. 
  15. Dinosaurs and cavemen lived at the same time.
    1. False, first came the dinosaurs then the caveman. 
  16. Rain comes from clouds sweating.
    1. False, rain perspiration of build up water in the clouds. 
  17. Frontal rain is caused by "cooling by contact" between fronts.
    1. True
  18. All rivers flow "down" from north to south
    1. False, all rivers flow down from high point to low point. 
  19. Ground water typically occurs from basin, lakes, and fast-flowing streams.
    1. True
  20. Salt added to water does not change the weight of the water.
    1.  True, once the salt dissolve.

This past week we went over this blog from the first week of class. All of these statements are false and are common misconceptions. I got number 3,5, 8, 12, 17, 19, 20. I got these wrong because I have heard that some of them were true or assumed that they were true. Number 3 is false because days light increases until the summer solstice then decreases. Number 5 is incorrect because you cannot see the wall with just your eye from space. Number 8 is false because static means it doesn't move, which our universe does. Number 12 is false, the gravity does not change. Number 17 is false because air masses don't mix; the wording was confusing. Number 19 is false because ground water is soaked in water. 20 is false because it gets heavier.

Written by: Rachael Del Boccio 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What Do I Know?

  1. We see because light brightens things.
    1.  Incorrect. We see because of light reflecting of of objects that enter the retina. 
  2. The Moon goes around the earth in a single day. 
    1. False. It takes more then a month for the moon to travel around the Earth.
  3. The amount of daylight increases each day of summer.
    1. True 
  4. People cannot see planets with the naked eye. 
    1. False. You can see Mercury once in a while. Do not view with telescope because of proximity to the sun, can cause eye damage.
  5. People can see the Great Wall of China with the naked eye from space.
    1. True
  6. Astrology (the position of the planets and constellations) gives us insight to people mannerisms.
    1.  False. Astrology can be used to predict natural occurrences. I believe that mannerisms is based on behaviors.  
  7. The Sun will never burn out.
    1. False. It will take billions of years, if not more, to burn out. It will not occur within our life time. 
  8. The Universe is a static. 
    1. True
  9. If a crystal can scratch glass it is a definitely a diamond.
    1. False. Quartz can also scratch glass. 
  10. Diamonds are expensive because the extreme rarity of them.
    1. False. Diamonds are expensive because they are flashy and durable.  
  11. Soil must have always been in its present form.
    1. False. As things break down and erode they become part of the soil. 
  12. Earth’s gravitational attraction is drastically reduced on mountain tops.
    1. True because you are farther from the center of the earth. 
  13. Continents are constant and do not move.
    1. False, tectonic plates are always shifting.  
  14. The Earth is between 6-20 thousand years old.
    1. False, it is billions of years old. 
  15. Dinosaurs and cavemen lived at the same time.
    1. False, first came the dinosaurs then the caveman. 
  16. Rain comes from clouds sweating.
    1. False, rain perspiration of build up water in the clouds. 
  17. Frontal rain is caused by "cooling by contact" between fronts.
    1. True
  18. All rivers flow "down" from north to south
    1. False, all rivers flow down from high point to low point. 
  19. Ground water typically occurs from basin, lakes, and fast-flowing streams.
    1. True
  20. Salt added to water does not change the weight of the water.
    1.  True, once the salt dissolve.
Written by: Rachael Del Boccio